Are you ready to explore Hatta Falaj for the first time on a tour for one hour with us?
Hatta Falaj is the conventional water supply system for the whole village. It is situated behind the Hatta Heritage Village. We will take you to explore the falaj, which runs under the ground for several kilometres before appearing on the surface. The Falaj operates by taking fresh water directly from the Hajar Mountains to all parts of the village. The houses of local residents and their date farms are watered by this Falaj irrigation system. Falaj systems are a crucial influence in agriculture and provide a dependable water source for the local community in Hatta, which helps people cultivate their crops easily and support them in the harsh desert environment. So, this Hatta Falaj which is considered one of the most enjoyable Outdoor activities in Dubai is a great chance to connect with nature and history and learn more about Hatta’s traditions, which is one of the most interesting Things to do in Dubai. Join us and book your ticket now!
One hour.